package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" "os" "strconv" "strings" ) func main() { partOne() partTwo() } // Bag is a bag that contains other bags type Bag struct { name string contains map[string]*Bag containCounts map[string]int isContainedBy map[string]*Bag seen bool } func lineToBags(s string) (string, map[string]int) { bags := strings.Split(s, " bags contain ") if bags[1] == "no other bags." { return bags[0], map[string]int{} } contained := strings.Split(bags[1], ", ") result := map[string]int{} for _, b := range contained { // strip off the bags?\.? and split on spaces innerBag := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimRight(b, "s."), " bag"), " ") // parse the count i, _ := strconv.Atoi(innerBag[0]) result[innerBag[1]+" "+innerBag[2]] = i } return bags[0], result } func countUnseenParents(b *Bag) int { sum := 0 for _, p := range b.isContainedBy { if !p.seen { p.seen = true sum = sum + countUnseenParents(p) + 1 } } return sum } func countContainedBags(b *Bag) int { sum := 0 for n, p := range b.contains { // make sure you count the bag itself when multiplying sum = sum + ((countContainedBags(p) + 1) * b.containCounts[n]) } return sum } // You have a shiny gold bag. // If you wanted to carry it in at least one other bag, how many different bag colors would be valid for the outermost bag? // (In other words: how many colors can, eventually, contain at least one shiny gold bag?) func partOne() { f, _ := os.Open("input") reader := bufio.NewReader(f) scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader) bags := map[string]*Bag{} for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() bag, contains := lineToBags(line) // create bag if it doesn't already exist if _, ok := bags[bag]; !ok { bags[bag] = &Bag{ name: bag, isContainedBy: map[string]*Bag{}, contains: map[string]*Bag{}, } } // for the bags we now know it can contain for c := range contains { // if those bags already exist, update them if _, ok := bags[c]; ok { bags[c].isContainedBy[bag] = bags[bag] } else { // otherwise, create new bag with pointer to parent bags[c] = &Bag{ name: c, isContainedBy: map[string]*Bag{ bag: bags[bag], }, contains: map[string]*Bag{}, } } // finally, update our current bag to point to the one it contains bags[bag].contains[c] = bags[c] } } // actually do the walk up the tree fmt.Println(countUnseenParents(bags["shiny gold"])) } // Consider again your shiny gold bag and the rules from the above example: // faded blue bags contain 0 other bags. // dotted black bags contain 0 other bags. // vibrant plum bags contain 11 other bags: 5 faded blue bags and 6 dotted black bags. // dark olive bags contain 7 other bags: 3 faded blue bags and 4 dotted black bags. // So, a single shiny gold bag must contain 1 dark olive bag (and the 7 bags within it) plus 2 vibrant plum bags (and the 11 bags within each of those): 1 + 1*7 + 2 + 2*11 = 32 bags! // Of course, the actual rules have a small chance of going several levels deeper than this example; // be sure to count all of the bags, even if the nesting becomes topologically impractical! // Here's another example: // shiny gold bags contain 2 dark red bags. // dark red bags contain 2 dark orange bags. // dark orange bags contain 2 dark yellow bags. // dark yellow bags contain 2 dark green bags. // dark green bags contain 2 dark blue bags. // dark blue bags contain 2 dark violet bags. // dark violet bags contain no other bags. // In this example, a single shiny gold bag must contain 126 other bags. func partTwo() { f, _ := os.Open("input") reader := bufio.NewReader(f) scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader) bags := map[string]*Bag{} for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() bag, contains := lineToBags(line) // create bag if it doesn't already exist if _, ok := bags[bag]; !ok { bags[bag] = &Bag{ name: bag, isContainedBy: map[string]*Bag{}, contains: map[string]*Bag{}, containCounts: map[string]int{}, } } // for the bags we now know it can contain for c, i := range contains { // if those bags already exist, update them if _, ok := bags[c]; ok { bags[c].isContainedBy[bag] = bags[bag] } else { // otherwise, create new bag with pointer to parent bags[c] = &Bag{ name: c, isContainedBy: map[string]*Bag{ bag: bags[bag], }, contains: map[string]*Bag{}, containCounts: map[string]int{}, } } // finally, update our current bag to point to the one it contains // and how many it must contain of that bag bags[bag].contains[c] = bags[c] bags[bag].containCounts[c] = i } } // actually do the walk down the tree fmt.Println(countContainedBags(bags["shiny gold"])) }