package main import ( "image/color" "math/rand" ) // noOp just clones colors from one image to another, to validate file handling. func noOp(_, _ int, c color.Color) color.Color { return c } // naiveBW smashes each pixel to black or white based on lumosity. func naiveBW(_, _ int, c color.Color) color.Color { l := luminence(c) if l > 0.5 { return color.White } return color.Black } // randomNoise injects random noise into the quantization step func randomNoise(_, _ int, c color.Color) color.Color { l := luminence(c) if (l + (rand.Float64() - 0.5)) > 0.5 { return color.White } return color.Black } // bayer dithering applies a "value map" to our brightness range, instead of messing with the luminence itself. // the basic one is a matrix of // 0, 2 // 1, 3 // normalized by the number of cells in the matrix (i.e. divided by 4, in this case) and then compared to the luminosity. // it takes the current coordinates as input to find your location in the (tiled) matrix. type bayer struct { side int matrix map[coord]float64 } func (b *bayer) valueAt(x, y int) float64 { return b.matrix[coord{x: x % b.side, y: y % b.side}] } // I could do this recursively but don't feel like it func newBayer(level int) *bayer { if level == 1 { return &bayer{ side: 4, matrix: map[coord]float64{ {0, 0}: 0 / 16.0, {1, 0}: 8 / 16.0, {0, 1}: 12 / 16.0, {1, 1}: 4 / 16.0, {2, 0}: 2 / 16.0, {3, 0}: 10 / 16.0, {2, 1}: 14 / 16.0, {3, 1}: 6 / 16.0, {0, 2}: 3 / 16.0, {1, 2}: 11 / 16.0, {0, 3}: 15 / 16.0, {1, 3}: 7 / 16.0, {2, 2}: 1 / 16.0, {3, 2}: 9 / 16.0, {2, 3}: 13 / 16.0, {3, 3}: 5 / 16.0, }, } } return &bayer{ side: 2, matrix: map[coord]float64{ {0, 0}: 0 / 4.0, {1, 0}: 2 / 4.0, {0, 1}: 3 / 4.0, {1, 1}: 1 / 4.0, }, } } func bayerDithering(level int, invert bool) quantizerFunction { b := newBayer(level) return func(x int, y int, c color.Color) color.Color { l := luminence(c) v := b.valueAt(x, y) if invert { if l > 1-v { return color.White } return color.Black } if l > v { return color.White } return color.Black } } type diffusion struct { matrix map[coord]float64 divisor float64 } func applyError(diffusion diffusion, quantError float64, currentPixel coord, errMap map[coord]float64) { for c, i := range diffusion.matrix { target := coord{x: currentPixel.x + c.x, y: currentPixel.y + c.y} errMap[target] = errMap[target] + (quantError * (i / diffusion.divisor)) } } func diffuser(errMap map[coord]float64, d diffusion) quantizerFunction { return func(x int, y int, c color.Color) color.Color { p := coord{x: x, y: y} l := luminence(c) + errMap[p] delete(errMap, p) // don't let the error map grow too big if l > 0.5 { applyError(d, l-1.0, p, errMap) return color.White } applyError(d, l, p, errMap) return color.Black } } func simpleErrorDiffusion() quantizerFunction { errMap := make(map[coord]float64) d := diffusion{ divisor: 2.0, matrix: map[coord]float64{ {x: 1, y: 0}: 1.0, {x: 0, y: 1}: 1.0, }, } return diffuser(errMap, d) } func floydSteinberg() quantizerFunction { errMap := make(map[coord]float64) d := diffusion{ divisor: 16.0, matrix: map[coord]float64{ {x: 1, y: 0}: 7.0, {x: -1, y: 1}: 3.0, {x: 0, y: 1}: 5.0, {x: 1, y: 1}: 1.0, }, } return diffuser(errMap, d) } func jarvisJudiceNinke() quantizerFunction { errMap := make(map[coord]float64) d := diffusion{ divisor: 48.0, matrix: map[coord]float64{ {x: 1, y: 0}: 7.0, {x: 2, y: 0}: 5.0, {x: -2, y: 1}: 3.0, {x: -1, y: 1}: 5.0, {x: 0, y: 1}: 7.0, {x: 1, y: 1}: 5.0, {x: 2, y: 1}: 3.0, {x: -2, y: 2}: 1.0, {x: -1, y: 2}: 3.0, {x: 0, y: 2}: 5.0, {x: 1, y: 2}: 3.0, {x: 2, y: 2}: 1.0, }, } return diffuser(errMap, d) } func atkinson() quantizerFunction { errMap := make(map[coord]float64) d := diffusion{ divisor: 8.0, matrix: map[coord]float64{ {x: 1, y: 0}: 1.0, {x: 2, y: 0}: 1.0, {x: -1, y: 1}: 1.0, {x: 0, y: 1}: 1.0, {x: 1, y: 1}: 1.0, {x: 0, y: 2}: 1.0, }, } return diffuser(errMap, d) } // That is, "relative luminance": // go's color library doesn't give any information on what "color space" the RGBA is derived from, // so we convert to Y'CbCr, which returns luminence directly as the Y component. func luminence(c color.Color) float64 { nr, ok := color.NRGBAModel.Convert(c).(color.NRGBA) if !ok { return 0 } y, _, _ := color.RGBToYCbCr(nr.R, nr.G, nr.B) return float64(y) / 255.0 }