# REST API 2.0 Discogs.com client go-discogs is a Go client library for the [Discogs API](https://www.discogs.com/developers/). Check the usage section or try the examples to see how to access the Discogs API. ### Feauteres * Database * Releases * Master Releases * Release Versions * Artists * Artist Releases * Label * All Label Releases #### ToDo - Search Install -------- go get github.com/irlndts/go-discogs Usage --------- The discogs package provides a client for accessing the Discogs API. First of all import library and init client variable. According to discogs api documentation you [must provide your user-agent](https://www.discogs.com/developers/#page:home,header:home-general-information). ```go import "github.com/irlndts/go-discogs" ``` ```go client := discogs.NewClient().UserAgent("TestDiscogsClient/0.0.1 +example.com") ``` #### Releases ```go params := &discogs.ReleaseParams{Release_id: "8138518"} release, _, err := client.Release.Release(params) fmt.Println(fmt.Println(release.Artists[0].Name, " - ", release.Title)) // St. Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review - Elephant Riddim ``` #### Artists ```go params := &discogs.LabelParams{Label_id: "890477", Page: 2, Per_page: 3} label, _, err := client.Label.Releases(params) for _, release := range label.Releases { fmt.Println(release.Title) } /* Someday / I Hate Everything About You Spy Potion Surf Attack From Russia */ ``` etc. More examples - soon