Three jQuery plugins that aim to simplify making map sites without imposing decisions on the developer. **Attribute names, etc, are NOT final. Suggestions welcome.** ## Map Initialize a map with jQuery within an element. It can do three things: - Initialize, load and autoconfigure a map using `$(elem).mapbox(urls, callback)` - Initialize an instance of `$(elem).mapbox([layers[, dimensions[, handlers]]])` - Get an already initialized map: `$(elem).mapbox()` Examples: ```js var url1 = 'http...'; // TileJSON URL var url2 = 'http...'; // Initialize using $('#map').mapbox([url1, url2], function(map, tilejsons) { console.log("Got my map:", map); }); // Initialize a map with a layer var map = $('#map').mapbox(mapbox.layer().tilejson(tj)); ``` ## Specifying the map element All the following controls need to know what map they are being applied to. This is specified by putting the `data-map` attribute in any parent element to the controls: - `data-map`: The id of the element the map is in (this attribute can be in a parent element) ## Layer Switcher A simple layer switcher that requires no initialization. #### Map data attributes - `data-control="switcher"`: Identify the control as a layer switcher. #### Layer data attributes - `href`: Name of layer (by default its the same as on MapBox hosting) - `data-group`: Group id. Only one layer per group is enabled at any time. (optional) - `data-toggle="true"`: Allow layer to be toggled off. (optional) Example: ```html
``` ### Styling The class `active` gets added to all selected switchers. ## Easing links Works well together with the layer switcher, but can also be used separately to link to locations. - `data-lon`: Longitude to pan to. - `data-lat`: Latitude to pan to. - `data-zoom`: Zoom level to zoom to. Example: ```html Awesome place ``` ## Geocoder Searches for a location, and then centers on it with a marker. Specify a geocoder by setting `data-control="geocode"`. ```html
``` #TODO - Hash control? What format should it use?