Usage: browserify [entry files] {OPTIONS} Standard Options: --outfile, -o Write the browserify bundle to this file. If unspecified, browserify prints to stdout. --require, -r A module name or file to bundle.require() Optionally use a colon separator to set the target. --entry, -e An entry point of your app --ignore, -i Omit a file from the output bundle. --external, -x Reference a file from another bundle. --transform, -t Use a transform module on top-level files. --command, -c Use a transform command on top-level files. --help, -h Show this message Advanced Options: --insert-globals, --ig, --fast [default: false] Skip detection and always insert definitions for process, global, __filename, and __dirname. benefit: faster builds cost: extra bytes --detect-globals, --dg [default: true] Detect the presence of process, global, __filename, and __dirname and define these values when present. benefit: npm modules more likely to work cost: slower builds --ignore-missing, --im [default: false] Ignore `require()` statements that don't resolve to anything. --debug -d [default: false] Enable source maps that allow you to debug your files separately. Specify a parameter.