var expect = require('expect.js'), $ = require('../'), food = require('./fixtures').food, fruits = require('./fixtures').fruits; describe('$(...)', function() { describe('.find', function() { it('() : should return this', function() { expect($('ul', fruits).find()[0].name).to.equal('ul'); }); it('(single) : should find one descendant', function() { expect($('#fruits', fruits).find('.apple')[0].attribs['class']).to.equal('apple'); }); it('(many) : should find all matching descendant', function() { expect($('#fruits', fruits).find('li')).to.have.length(3); }); it('(many) : should merge all selected elems with matching descendants'); it('(invalid single) : should return empty if cant find', function() { expect($('ul', fruits).find('blah')).to.have.length(0); }); it('(invalid single) : should query descendants only', function() { expect($('#fruits', fruits).find('ul')).to.have.length(0); }); it('should return empty if search already empty result', function() { expect($('#fruits').find('li')).to.have.length(0); }); }); describe('.children', function() { it('() : should get all children', function() { expect($('ul', fruits).children()).to.have.length(3); }); it('() : should return children of all matched elements', function() { expect($('ul ul', food).children()).to.have.length(5); }); it('(selector) : should return children matching selector', function() { var cls = $('ul', fruits).children('.orange')[0].attribs['class']; expect(cls).to.equal('orange'); }); it('(invalid selector) : should return empty', function() { expect($('ul', fruits).children('.lulz')).to.have.length(0); }); it('should only match immediate children, not ancestors'); }); describe('.next', function() { it('() : should return next element', function() { var cls = $('.orange', fruits).next()[0].attribs['class']; expect(cls).to.equal('pear'); }); it('(no next) : should return null (?)'); }); describe('.prev', function() { it('() : should return previous element', function() { var cls = $('.orange', fruits).prev()[0].attribs['class']; expect(cls).to.equal('apple'); }); it('(no prev) : should return null (?)'); }); describe('.siblings', function() { it('() : should get all the siblings', function() { expect($('.orange', fruits).siblings()).to.have.length(2); }); it('(selector) : should get all siblings that match the selector', function() { expect($('.orange', fruits).siblings('li')).to.have.length(2); }); }); describe('.each', function() { it('( (i, elem) -> ) : should loop selected returning fn with (i, elem)', function() { var items = [], classes = ['apple', 'orange', 'pear']; $('li', fruits).each(function(idx, elem) { items[idx] = elem; expect(this[0].attribs['class']).to.equal(classes[idx]); }); expect(items[0].attribs['class']).to.equal('apple'); expect(items[1].attribs['class']).to.equal('orange'); expect(items[2].attribs['class']).to.equal('pear'); }); it('( (i, elem) -> ) : should break iteration when the iterator function returns false', function() { var iterationCount = 0; $('li', fruits).each(function(idx, elem) { iterationCount++; return idx < 1; }); expect(iterationCount).to.equal(2); }); }); describe('.map', function() { it('(fn) : should return an array of mapped items', function() { var classes = $('li', fruits).map(function(i, el) { expect(this[0]); expect('li'); expect(i)'number'); return el.attribs['class']; }).join(', '); expect(classes)'apple, orange, pear'); }); }); describe('.filter', function() { it('(selector) : should reduce the set of matched elements to those that match the selector', function() { var pear = $('li', fruits).filter('.pear').text(); expect(pear)'Pear'); }); it('(selector) : should not consider nested elements', function() { var lis = $(fruits).filter('li'); expect(lis).to.have.length(0); }); it('(fn) : should reduce the set of matched elements to those that pass the function\'s test', function() { var orange = $('li', fruits).filter(function(i, el) { expect(this[0]); expect('li'); expect(i)'number'); return this.attr('class') === 'orange'; }).text(); expect(orange)'Orange'); }); }); describe('.first', function() { it('() : should return the first item', function() { var $src = $('foobarbaz'); var $elem = $src.first(); expect($elem.length).to.equal(1); expect($elem[0].children[0].data).to.equal('foo'); }); it('() : should return an empty object for an empty object', function() { var $src = $(); var $first = $src.first(); expect($first.length).to.equal(0); expect($first[0]); }); }); describe('.last', function() { it('() : should return the last element', function() { var $src = $('foobarbaz'); var $elem = $src.last(); expect($elem.length).to.equal(1); expect($elem[0].children[0].data).to.equal('baz'); }); it('() : should return an empty object for an empty object', function() { var $src = $(); var $last = $src.last(); expect($last.length).to.equal(0); expect($last[0]); }); }); describe('.first & .last', function() { it('() : should return equivalent collections if only one element', function() { var $src = $('bar'); var $first = $src.first(); var $last = $src.last(); expect($first.length).to.equal(1); expect($first[0].children[0].data).to.equal('bar'); expect($last.length).to.equal(1); expect($last[0].children[0].data).to.equal('bar'); expect($first[0]).to.equal($last[0]); }); }); describe('.eq', function() { function getText(el) { if(!el.length) return ''; return el[0].children[0].data; } it('(i) : should return the element at the specified index', function() { expect(getText($('li', fruits).eq(0))).to.equal('Apple'); expect(getText($('li', fruits).eq(1))).to.equal('Orange'); expect(getText($('li', fruits).eq(2))).to.equal('Pear'); expect(getText($('li', fruits).eq(3))).to.equal(''); expect(getText($('li', fruits).eq(-1))).to.equal('Pear'); }); }); describe('.slice', function() { function getText(el) { if(!el.length) return ''; return el[0].children[0].data; } it('(start) : should return all elements after the given index', function() { var sliced = $('li', fruits).slice(1); expect(sliced).to.have.length(2); expect(getText(sliced.eq(0))).to.equal('Orange'); expect(getText(sliced.eq(1))).to.equal('Pear'); }); it('(start, end) : should return all elements matching the given range', function() { var sliced = $('li', fruits).slice(1, 2); expect(sliced).to.have.length(1); expect(getText(sliced.eq(0))).to.equal('Orange'); }); it('(-start) : should return element matching the offset from the end', function() { var sliced = $('li', fruits).slice(-1); expect(sliced).to.have.length(1); expect(getText(sliced.eq(0))).to.equal('Pear'); }); }); });