var expect = require('expect.js'), parse = require('../lib/parse'); // Tags var basic = ''; var siblings = '

'; // Single Tags var single = '
'; var singleWrong = '
'; // Children var children = '
'; var li = '
  • Durian
  • '; // Attributes var attributes = 'man waving'; var noValueAttribute = ''; // Comments var comment = ''; var conditional = ''; // Text var text = 'lorem ipsum'; // Script var script = ''; var scriptEmpty = ''; // Style var style = ''; var styleEmpty = ''; // Directives var directive = ''; describe('parse', function() { describe('.eval', function() { it('should parse basic empty tags: ' + basic, function() { var tag = parse.evaluate(basic)[0]; expect(tag.type).to.equal('tag'); expect('html'); expect(tag.children); }); it('should handle sibling tags: ' + siblings, function() { var dom = parse.evaluate(siblings), h2 = dom[0], p = dom[1]; expect(dom).to.have.length(2); expect('h2'); expect('p'); }); it('should handle single tags: ' + single, function() { var tag = parse.evaluate(single)[0]; expect(tag.type).to.equal('tag'); expect('br'); expect(tag.children); }); it('should handle malformatted single tags: ' + singleWrong, function() { var tag = parse.evaluate(singleWrong)[0]; expect(tag.type).to.equal('tag'); expect('br'); expect(tag.children); }); it('should handle tags with children: ' + children, function() { var tag = parse.evaluate(children)[0]; expect(tag.type).to.equal('tag'); expect('html'); expect(tag.children); expect(tag.children).to.have.length(1); }); it('should handle tags with children: ' + li, function() { var tag = parse.evaluate(li)[0]; expect(tag.children).to.have.length(1); expect(tag.children[0].data).to.equal('Durian'); }); it('should handle tags with attributes: ' + attributes, function() { var attrs = parse.evaluate(attributes)[0].attribs; expect(attrs); expect(attrs.src).to.equal('hello.png'); expect(attrs.alt).to.equal('man waving'); }); it('should handle value-less attributes: ' + noValueAttribute, function() { var attrs = parse.evaluate(noValueAttribute)[0].attribs; expect(attrs); expect(attrs.disabled).to.equal(''); }); it('should handle comments: ' + comment, function() { var elem = parse.evaluate(comment)[0]; expect(elem.type).to.equal('comment'); expect(' sexy '); }); it('should handle conditional comments: ' + conditional, function() { var elem = parse.evaluate(conditional)[0]; expect(elem.type).to.equal('comment'); expect('', '')); }); it('should handle text: ' + text, function() { var text_ = parse.evaluate(text)[0]; expect(text_.type).to.equal('text'); expect('lorem ipsum'); }); it('should handle script tags: ' + script, function() { var script_ = parse.evaluate(script)[0]; expect(script_.type).to.equal('script'); expect('script'); expect(script_.attribs.type).to.equal('text/javascript'); expect(script_.children).to.have.length(1); expect(script_.children[0].type).to.equal('text'); expect(script_.children[0].data).to.equal('alert("hi world!");'); }); it('should handle style tags: ' + style, function() { var style_ = parse.evaluate(style)[0]; expect(style_.type).to.equal('style'); expect('style'); expect(style_.attribs.type).to.equal('text/css'); expect(style_.children).to.have.length(1); expect(style_.children[0].type).to.equal('text'); expect(style_.children[0].data).to.equal(' h2 { color:blue; } '); }); it('should handle directives: ' + directive, function() { var elem = parse.evaluate(directive)[0]; expect(elem.type).to.equal('directive'); expect('!doctype html'); expect('!doctype'); }); }); describe('.connect', function() { var create = function(html) { var dom = parse.evaluate(html); return parse.connect(dom); }; it('should fill in empty attributes: ' + basic, function() { var tag = create(basic)[0]; // Should exist but be null expect(tag.parent); expect(; expect(tag.prev); // Should exist but be empty expect(tag.children); expect(tag.attribs); }); it('should should fill in empty attributes for scripts: ' + scriptEmpty, function() { var script = create(scriptEmpty)[0]; // Should exist but be null expect(script.parent); expect(; expect(script.prev); // Should exist but be empty expect(script.children); expect(script.attribs); }); it('should should fill in empty attributes for styles: ' + styleEmpty, function() { var style = create(styleEmpty)[0]; // Should exist but be null expect(style.parent); expect(; expect(style.prev); // Should exist but be empty expect(style.children); expect(style.attribs); }); it('should have next and prev siblings: ' + siblings, function() { var dom = create(siblings), h2 = dom[0], p = dom[1]; // No parents expect(h2.parent); expect(p.parent); // Neighbors expect('p'); expect('h2'); // Should exist but be empty expect(h2.children); expect(h2.attribs); expect(p.children); expect(p.attribs); }); it('should connect child with parent: ' + children, function() { var html = create(children)[0], br = html.children[0]; // html has 1 child and it's
    expect(html.children).to.have.length(1); expect(html.children[0].name).to.equal('br'); // br's parent is html expect('html'); }); it('should fill in some empty attributes for comments: ' + comment, function() { var elem = create(comment)[0]; // Should exist but be null expect(elem.parent); expect(; expect(elem.prev); // Should not exist at all expect(elem.children); expect(elem.attribs); }); it('should fill in some empty attributes for text: ' + text, function() { var text = create(text)[0]; // Should exist but be null expect(text.parent); expect(; expect(text.prev); // Should not exist at all expect(text.children); expect(text.attribs); }); it('should fill in some empty attributes for directives: ' + directive, function() { var elem = create(directive)[0]; // Should exist but be null expect(elem.parent); expect(; expect(elem.prev); // Should not exist at all expect(elem.children); expect(elem.attribs); }); }); describe('.parse', function() { // root test utility function rootTest(root) { expect('root'); // Should exist but be null expect(; expect(root.prev); expect(root.parent); var child = root.children[0]; expect(child.parent).to.equal(root); } it('should add root to: ' + basic, function() { var root = parse(basic); rootTest(root); expect(root.children).to.have.length(1); expect(root.children[0].name).to.equal('html'); }); it('should add root to: ' + siblings, function() { var root = parse(siblings); rootTest(root); expect(root.children).to.have.length(2); expect(root.children[0].name).to.equal('h2'); expect(root.children[1].name).to.equal('p'); expect(root.children[1]'root'); }); it('should add root to: ' + comment, function() { var root = parse(comment); rootTest(root); expect(root.children).to.have.length(1); expect(root.children[0].type).to.equal('comment'); }); it('should add root to: ' + text, function() { var root = parse(text); rootTest(root); expect(root.children).to.have.length(1); expect(root.children[0].type).to.equal('text'); }); it('should add root to: ' + scriptEmpty, function() { var root = parse(scriptEmpty); rootTest(root); expect(root.children).to.have.length(1); expect(root.children[0].type).to.equal('script'); }); it('should add root to: ' + styleEmpty, function() { var root = parse(styleEmpty); rootTest(root); expect(root.children).to.have.length(1); expect(root.children[0].type).to.equal('style'); }); it('should add root to: ' + directive, function() { var root = parse(directive); rootTest(root); expect(root.children).to.have.length(1); expect(root.children[0].type).to.equal('directive'); }); }); });