var filed = require('../main') , server = require('./server') , fs = require('fs') , path = require('path') , assert = require('assert') , request = require('request') , test1buffer = '' , testfile = path.join(__dirname, 'test.js') , writefile = path.join(__dirname, 'testdump-') , cleanup = [] , validations = [] , port = 9090 , i = 0 , url = 'http://localhost:'+port ; while (i < 50) { try {fs.unlinkSync(writefile+i)} catch (e) {} i += 1 } function FileValidator (path) { this.path = path this.buffers = [] this.len = 0 this.writable = true } FileValidator.prototype.write = function (chunk) { this.buffers.push(chunk) this.len += chunk.length } FileValidator.prototype.end = function () { var body = new Buffer(this.len) var i = 0 this.buffers.forEach(function (chunk) { chunk.copy(body, i, 0, chunk.length) i += chunk.length }) var f = fs.readFileSync(this.path) assert.equal(body.length, f.length) assert.deepEqual(body, f) } FileValidator.prototype.on = function () {} FileValidator.prototype.removeListener = function () {} FileValidator.prototype.emit = function () {} function equalSync (f1, f2) { f1 = fs.readFileSync(f1) f2 = fs.readFileSync(f2) assert.equal(f1.length, f2.length) assert.deepEqual(f1, f2) } // Test reading filed(testfile).pipe(new FileValidator(testfile)) // Test writing function testwrites () { var x = filed(writefile+1) , y = fs.createReadStream(testfile) ; y.pipe(x) x.on('end', function () { setTimeout(function () { equalSync(writefile+1, testfile) console.log("Passed writing files") }, 1000) }) } testwrites() function testhttp () { // Test HTTP use cases var s = server() s.on('/test-req', function (req, resp) { // Take a request and write it, do not send filed to the response req.pipe(filed(writefile+2)) req.on('end', function () { resp.writeHead(201) resp.end() setTimeout(function () { equalSync(writefile+2, testfile) console.log("Passed PUT file with pipe req only") }, 1000) }) }) s.on('/test-req-resp', function (req, resp) { // Take a request and write it and pipe filed to the response var x = filed(writefile+3) req.pipe(x) x.pipe(resp) req.on('end', function () { setTimeout(function () { equalSync(writefile+3, testfile) console.log("Passed PUT file with pipe req and resp") }, 1000) }) }) s.on('/test-resp', function (req, resp) { // Send a file to an HTTP response filed(testfile).pipe(resp) }) var fullpipe = function (req, resp) { var x = filed(testfile) req.pipe(x) x.pipe(resp) } s.on('/test-etags-wo', function (req, resp) { fullpipe(req, resp) }) s.on('/test-etags-with', function (req, resp) { fullpipe(req, resp) }) s.on('/test-lastmodified-wo', function (req, resp) { fullpipe(req, resp) }) s.on('/test-lastmodified-with', function (req, resp) { fullpipe(req, resp) }) s.on('/test-index', function (req, resp) { var x = filed(__dirname) x.pipe(resp) }) s.on('/test-index-full', function (req, resp) { var x = filed(__dirname) req.pipe(x) x.pipe(resp) }) s.on('/test-not-found', function (req, resp) { var x = filed(__dirname + "/") req.pipe(x) x.pipe(resp) }) s.listen(port, function () { fs.createReadStream(testfile).pipe(request.put(url+'/test-req')) fs.createReadStream(testfile).pipe(request.put(url+'/test-req-resp', function (e, resp) { assert.equal(resp.statusCode, 201) assert.equal(resp.headers['content-length'], '0') })) var x = request.get(url+'/test-resp', function (e, resp) { if (e) throw e assert.equal(resp.statusCode, 200) assert.equal(resp.headers['content-type'], 'text/javascript') console.log("Passed GET file without piping request") }) x.pipe(new FileValidator(testfile)) request.get(url+'/test-etags-wo', function (e, resp, body) { if (e) throw e if (resp.statusCode !== 200) throw new Error('Status code is not 200 it is '+resp.statusCode) request.get({url:url+'/test-etags-with', headers:{'if-none-match':resp.headers.etag}}, function (e, resp) { if (e) throw e if (resp.statusCode !== 304) throw new Error('Status code is not 304 it is '+resp.statusCode) console.log("Passed GET with etag") }) }) request.get(url+'/test-lastmodified-wo', function (e, resp, body) { if (e) throw e if (resp.statusCode !== 200) throw new Error('Status code is not 200 it is '+resp.statusCode) request.get({url:url+'/test-lastmodified-with', headers:{'if-modified-since':resp.headers['last-modified']}}, function (e, resp) { if (e) throw e if (resp.statusCode !== 304) throw new Error('Status code is not 304 it is '+resp.statusCode) console.log("Passed GET with if-modified-since") }) }) request.get(url+'/test-index', function (e, resp, body) { if (e) throw e if (resp.statusCode !== 200) throw new Error('Status code is not 200 it is '+resp.statusCode) assert.equal(resp.headers['content-type'], 'text/html') assert.equal(body, fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'index.html')).toString()) console.log("Passed GET of directory index") }) request.get(url+'/test-index-full', function (e, resp, body) { if (e) throw e if (resp.statusCode !== 200) throw new Error('Status code is not 200 it is '+resp.statusCode) assert.equal(resp.headers['content-type'], 'text/html') assert.equal(body, fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'index.html')).toString()) console.log("Passed GET of directory index, full pipe") }) request.get(url+'/test-not-found', function (e, resp, body) { if (e) throw e if (resp.statusCode !== 404) throw new Error('Status code is not 404 it is '+resp.statusCode) console.log("Passed Not Found produces 404") }) }) } testhttp() process.on('exit', function () {console.log('All tests passed.')})