var expect = require('expect.js'); var $ = require('../'); var fruits = require('./fixtures').fruits; var vegetables = require('./fixtures').vegetables; describe('$(...)', function() { describe('.attr', function() { it('() : should get all the attributes', function() { var attrs = $('ul', fruits).attr(); expect('fruits'); }); it('(invalid key) : invalid attr should get undefined', function() { var attr = $('.apple', fruits).attr('lol'); expect(attr); }); it('(valid key) : valid attr should get value', function() { var cls = $('.apple', fruits).attr('class'); expect(cls).to.equal('apple'); }); it('(key, value) : should set attr', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); var $pear = $('.pear', $fruits).attr('id', 'pear'); expect($('#pear', $fruits)).to.have.length(1); expect($pear.cheerio); }); it('(map) : object map should set multiple attributes', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); $('.apple', $fruits).attr({ id: 'apple', style: 'color:red;', 'data-url': '' }); var attrs = $('.apple', $fruits).attr(); expect('apple'); expect('color:red;'); expect(attrs['data-url']).to.equal(''); }); it('(key, value) : should correctly encode then decode unsafe values', function() { var $apple = $('.apple', fruits); $apple.attr('href', '">alert("XSS!")'); }); it('(key, value) : should coerce values to a string', function() { var $apple = $('.apple', fruits); $apple.attr('data-test', 1); expect($apple[0].attribs['data-test']).to.equal('1'); expect($apple.attr('data-test')).to.equal('1'); }); }); describe('.removeAttr', function() { it('(key) : should remove a single attr', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); expect($('ul', $fruits).attr('id')); $('ul', $fruits).removeAttr('id'); expect($('ul', $fruits).attr('id')); }); it('should return cheerio object', function() { var obj = $('ul', fruits).removeAttr('id').cheerio; expect(obj); }); }); describe('.hasClass', function() { it('(valid class) : should return true', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); var cls = $('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('apple'); expect(cls); }); it('(invalid class) : should return false', function() { var cls = $('#fruits', fruits).hasClass('fruits'); expect(cls); }); it('should check multiple classes', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); // Add a class $('.apple', $fruits).addClass('red'); expect($('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('apple')); expect($('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('red')); // Remove one and test again $('.apple', $fruits).removeClass('apple'); expect($('li', $fruits).eq(0).hasClass('apple')); // expect($('li', $fruits).eq(0).hasClass('red')); }); }); describe('.addClass', function() { it('(first class) : should add the class to the element', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); $('#fruits', $fruits).addClass('fruits'); var cls = $('#fruits', $fruits).hasClass('fruits'); expect(cls); }); it('(single class) : should add the class to the element', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); $('.apple', $fruits).addClass('fruit'); var cls = $('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('fruit'); expect(cls); }); it('(class): adds classes to many selected items', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); $('li', $fruits).addClass('fruit'); expect($('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.orange', $fruits).hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.pear', $fruits).hasClass('fruit')); }); it('(class class class) : should add multiple classes to the element', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); $('.apple', $fruits).addClass('fruit red tasty'); expect($('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('apple')); expect($('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('red')); expect($('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('tasty')); }); it('(fn) : should add classes returned from the function'); }); describe('.removeClass', function() { it('() : should remove all the classes', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); $('.pear', $fruits).addClass('fruit'); $('.pear', $fruits).removeClass(); expect($('.pear', $fruits).attr('class')); }); it('(invalid class) : should not remove anything', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); $('.pear', $fruits).removeClass('fruit'); expect($('.pear', $fruits).hasClass('pear')); }); it('(no class attribute) : should not throw an exception', function() { var $vegetables = $(vegetables); var thrown = null; expect(function() { $('li', $vegetables).removeClass('vegetable'); }) .to.not.throwException(); }); it('(single class) : should remove a single class from the element', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); $('.pear', $fruits).addClass('fruit'); expect($('.pear', $fruits).hasClass('fruit')); $('.pear', $fruits).removeClass('fruit'); expect($('.pear', $fruits).hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.pear', $fruits).hasClass('pear')); }); it('(single class) : should remove a single class from multiple classes on the element', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); $('.pear', $fruits).addClass('fruit green tasty'); expect($('.pear', $fruits).hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.pear', $fruits).hasClass('green')); expect($('.pear', $fruits).hasClass('tasty')); $('.pear', $fruits).removeClass('green'); expect($('.pear', $fruits).hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.pear', $fruits).hasClass('green')); expect($('.pear', $fruits).hasClass('tasty')); }); it('(class class class) : should remove multiple classes from the element', function() { var $fruits = $(fruits); $('.apple', $fruits).addClass('fruit red tasty'); expect($('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('apple')); expect($('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('red')); expect($('.apple', $fruits).hasClass('tasty')); $('.apple', $fruits).removeClass('apple red tasty'); expect($('.fruit', $fruits).hasClass('apple')); expect($('.fruit', $fruits).hasClass('red')); expect($('.fruit', $fruits).hasClass('tasty')); expect($('.fruit', $fruits).hasClass('fruit')); }); it('(class) : should remove all occurrences of a class name', function() { var $div = $('
'); expect($div.removeClass('x').hasClass('x')); }); it('(fn) : should remove classes returned from the function'); }); });