# Ecstatic [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/jesusabdullah/node-ecstatic.png)](http://travis-ci.org/jesusabdullah/node-ecstatic) ![](http://imgur.com/vhub5.png) A simple static file server middleware. Use it with a raw http server, express/connect, or flatiron/union! # Examples: ## express 3.0.x ``` js var http = require('http'); var express = require('express'); var ecstatic = require('ecstatic'); var app = express(); app.use(ecstatic({ root: __dirname + '/public' })); http.createServer(app).listen(8080); console.log('Listening on :8080'); ``` ## union ``` js var union = require('union'); var ecstatic = require('ecstatic'); union.createServer({ before: [ ecstatic({ root: __dirname + '/public' }), ] }).listen(8080); console.log('Listening on :8080'); ``` ## stock http server ``` js var http = require('http'); var ecstatic = require('ecstatic'); http.createServer( ecstatic({ root: __dirname + '/public' }) ).listen(8080); console.log('Listening on :8080'); ``` ### fall through To allow fall through to your custom routes: ```js ecstatic({ root: __dirname + '/public', handleError: false }) ``` # API: ## ecstatic(opts); Pass ecstatic an options hash, and it will return your middleware! ```js var opts = { root : __dirname + '/public', baseDir : '/', cache : 3600, showDir : false, autoIndex : false, defaultExt : 'html', gzip : false } ``` If `opts` is a string, the string is assigned to the root folder and all other options are set to their defaults. ### `opts.root` `opts.root` is the directory you want to serve up. ### `opts.baseDir` `opts.baseDir` is `/` by default, but can be changed to allow your static files to be served off a specific route. For example, if `opts.baseDir === "blog"` and `opts.root = "./public"`, requests for `localhost:8080/blog/index.html` will resolve to `./public/index.html`. ### `opts.cache` Customize cache control with `opts.cache` , if it is a number then it will set max-age in seconds. Other wise it will pass through directly to cache-control. Time defaults to 3600 s (ie, 1 hour). ### `opts.showDir` Turn **on** directory listings with `opts.showDir === true`. Defaults to **false**. ### `opts.autoIndex` Serve `/path/index.html` when `/path/` is requested. Turn **off** autoIndexing with `opts.autoIndex === true`. Defaults to **true**. ### `opts.defaultExt` Turn on default file extensions with `opts.defaultExt`. If `opts.defaultExt` is true, it will default to `html`. For example if you want a request to `/a-file` to resolve to `./public/a-file.html`, set this to `true`. If you want `/a-file` to resolve to `./public/a-file.json` instead, set `opts.defaultExt` to `json`. ### `opts.gzip` Set `opts.gzip === true` in order to turn on "gzip mode," wherein ecstatic will serve `./public/some-file.js.gz` in place of `./public/some-file.js` when the gzipped version exists and ecstatic determines that the behavior is appropriate. ## middleware(req, res, next); This works more or less as you'd expect. ### ecstatic.showDir(folder); This returns another middleware which will attempt to show a directory view. Turning on auto-indexing is roughly equivalent to adding this middleware after an ecstatic middleware with autoindexing disabled. ### `ecstatic` command to start a standalone static http server, run `npm install -g ecstatic` and then run `ecstatic [dir?] [options] --port PORT` all options work as above, passed in [optimist](https://github.com/substack/optimist) style. `port` defaults to `8000`. If a `dir` or `--root dir` argument is not passed, ecsatic will serve the current dir. # Tests: npm test # License: MIT/X11.