@-webkit-keyframes typing { from { width: 100%; } to { width:0; } } @-webkit-keyframes blink-caret { from, to { border-color: transparent } 50% { border-color: #07D6FF } } @-moz-keyframes typing { from { width: 100% } to { width:0 } } @-moz-keyframes blink-caret { from, to { border-color: transparent } 50% { border-color: #07D6FF } } h1 { position: relative; float: left; font-size:350%; font-family: Inconsolata, Courier, monospace; } h1 span { position:absolute; top:0; right:0; width:0; background: #fff; /* same as background */ border-left: .1em solid #07D6FF; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-animation: typing 10s steps(10, end), /* # of steps = # of characters */ blink-caret 1s step-end infinite; -moz-animation: typing 10s steps(10, end), /* # of steps = # of characters */ blink-caret 1s step-end infinite; }