{ "name": "beefy", "version": "0.0.11", "description": "local development server that aims to make using browserify fast and fun", "main": "index.js", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git://github.com/chrisdickinson/beefy.git" }, "keywords": [ "simplehttpserver", "browserify" ], "author": { "name": "Chris Dickinson", "email": "chris@neversaw.us" }, "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "response-stream": "0.0.0", "filed": "0.0.7", "optimist": "~0.3.5", "live-reload": "~0.2.0", "colors": "~0.6.0-1", "through": "~2.2.0" }, "bin": { "beefy": "./bin/beefy" }, "preferGlobal": true, "readme": "# beefy\n\na local development server designed to work with browserify.\n\nit:\n\n* can live relaod your browser when your code changes (if you want)\n* works with whatever version of browserify; globally installed or \n locally installed to `node_modules/browserify`.\n* will spit compile errors out into the browser so you don't have that\n 1-2 seconds of cognitive dissonance and profound ennui that follows\n refreshing the page only to get a blank screen.\n* will spit out a default `index.html` for missing routes so you don't\n need to even muck about with HTML to get started\n* serves up static files with grace and aplomb (and also appropriate\n mimetypes)\n* makes it easy to sanity check your [testling ci tape test suite](http://npm.im/tape/).\n* loves you, unconditionally\n\n## how do I get it?\n\n`npm install -g beefy`; and if you want to always have a browserify available\nfor beefy to use, `npm install -g browserify`.\n\n## usage\n\n```javascript\n$ cd directory/you/want/served\n$ beefy path/to/thing/you/want/browserified.js PORT -- [browserify args]\n```\n\n#### `path/to/file.js`\n\nthe path to the file you want browserified. can be just a normal node module.\nyou can also alias it: `path/to/file.js:bundle.js` if you want -- so all requests\nto `bundle.js` will browserify `path/to/file.js`. this is helpful for when you're\nwriting `gh-pages`-style sites that already have an index.html, and expect the\nbundle to be pregenerated and available at a certain path.\n\n#### `--browserify command`\n\nuse `command` instead of `browserify` or `./node_modules/.bin/browserify`.\n\nin theory, you could even get this working with `r.js`, but that would probably\nbe scary and bats would fly out of it. but it's there if you need it!\n\n#### `--live`\n\nenable live reloading. this'll start up a sideband server and an `fs` watch on\nthe current working directory -- if you save a file, your browser will refresh.\n\n## the fake index\n\nby default, if you get a URL that doesn't exist (with an `Accept` header that has `html` in it someplace), you'll get the \"fake index.\" this page is setup so that\nit automatically includes both the live reload script (if it's enabled) **and** the\npath you want browserified. \n\n## license\n\nMIT\n", "_id": "beefy@0.0.11", "dist": { "shasum": "7455f0fc45fde7764cc940fdf4f07c356dfc96ae" }, "_from": "beefy" }