if (typeof mapbox === 'undefined') mapbox = {}; mapbox.layer = function() { if (!(this instanceof mapbox.layer)) { return new mapbox.layer(); } // instance variables this._tilejson = {}; this._url = ''; this._id = ''; this._composite = true; this.name = ''; this.parent = document.createElement('div'); this.parent.style.cssText = 'position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; z-index: 0'; this.levels = {}; this.requestManager = new MM.RequestManager(); this.requestManager.addCallback('requestcomplete', this.getTileComplete()); this.requestManager.addCallback('requesterror', this.getTileError()); this.setProvider(new wax.mm._provider({ tiles: [''] })); }; mapbox.layer.prototype.refresh = function(callback) { var that = this; // When the async request for a TileJSON blob comes back, // this resets its own tilejson and calls setProvider on itself. wax.tilejson(this._url, function(o) { that.tilejson(o); if (callback) callback(that); }); return this; }; mapbox.layer.prototype.url = function(x, callback) { if (!arguments.length) return this._url; this._mapboxhosting = x.indexOf(mapbox.MAPBOX_URL) == 0; this._url = x; return this.refresh(callback); }; mapbox.layer.prototype.id = function(x, callback) { if (!arguments.length) return this._id; this.named(x); this._id = x; return this.url(mapbox.MAPBOX_URL + x + '.jsonp', callback); }; mapbox.layer.prototype.named = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return this.name; this.name = x; return this; }; mapbox.layer.prototype.tilejson = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return this._tilejson; if (!this._composite || !this._mapboxhosting) this.setProvider(new wax.mm._provider(x)); this._tilejson = x; this.name = this.name || x.id; this._id = this._id || x.id; if (x.bounds) { var proj = new MM.MercatorProjection(0, MM.deriveTransformation( -Math.PI, Math.PI, 0, 0, Math.PI, Math.PI, 1, 0, -Math.PI, -Math.PI, 0, 1)); this.provider.tileLimits = [ proj.locationCoordinate(new MM.Location(x.bounds[3], x.bounds[0])) .zoomTo(x.minzoom ? x.minzoom : 0), proj.locationCoordinate(new MM.Location(x.bounds[1], x.bounds[2])) .zoomTo(x.maxzoom ? x.maxzoom : 18) ]; } return this; }; mapbox.layer.prototype.draw = function() { if (!this.enabled || !this.map) return; if (this._composite && this._mapboxhosting) { // Get index of current layer var i = 0; for (i; i < this.map.layers.length; i++) { if (this.map.layers[i] == this) break; } // If layer is composited by layer below it, don't draw for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (this.map.getLayerAt(j).enabled) { if (this.map.getLayerAt(j)._composite) { this.parent.style.display = 'none'; this.compositeLayer = false; return this; } else break; } } // Get map IDs for all consecutive composited layers var ids = []; for (var k = i; k < this.map.layers.length; k++) { var l = this.map.getLayerAt(k); if (l.enabled) { if (l._composite && l._mapboxhosting) ids.push(l.id()); else break; } } ids = ids.join(','); if (this.compositeLayer !== ids) { this.compositeLayer = ids; var that = this; wax.tilejson(mapbox.MAPBOX_URL + ids + '.jsonp', function(tiledata) { that.setProvider(new wax.mm._provider(tiledata)); // setProvider calls .draw() }); this.parent.style.display = ''; return this; } } else { this.parent.style.display = ''; // Set back to regular provider if (this.compositeLayer) { this.compositeLayer = false; this.setProvider(new wax.mm._provider(this.tilejson())); // .draw() called by .tilejson() } } return MM.Layer.prototype.draw.call(this); }; mapbox.layer.prototype.composite = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return this._composite; if (x) this._composite = true; else this._composite = false; return this; }; // we need to redraw map due to compositing mapbox.layer.prototype.enable = function(x) { MM.Layer.prototype.enable.call(this, x); if (this.map) this.map.draw(); return this; }; // we need to redraw map due to compositing mapbox.layer.prototype.disable = function(x) { MM.Layer.prototype.disable.call(this, x); if (this.map) this.map.draw(); return this; }; MM.extend(mapbox.layer, MM.Layer);