var expect = require('expect.js'), _ = require('underscore'), $ = require('../'), fruits = require('./fixtures').fruits; // HTML var script = '', multiclass = '


'; describe('cheerio', function() { it('should get the version', function() { expect(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/.test($.version)); }); it('$(null) should return be empty', function() { expect($(null)); }); it('$(undefined) should be empty', function() { expect($(undefined)); }); it('$(null) should be empty', function() { expect($('')); }); it('$(selector) with no context or root should be empty', function() { expect($('.h2')); expect($('#fruits')); }); it('should be able to create html without a root or context', function() { var $h2 = $('

'); expect($h2); expect($h2).to.have.length(1); expect($h2[0].name).to.equal('h2'); }); it('should be able to create complicated html', function() { var $script = $(script); expect($script); expect($script).to.have.length(1); expect($script[0].attribs.src).to.equal('script.js'); expect($script[0].attribs.type).to.equal('text/javascript'); expect($script[0].children); }); var testAppleSelect = function($apple) { expect($apple).to.have.length(1); $apple = $apple[0]; expect($'ul'); expect($apple.prev); expect($['class']).to.equal('orange'); expect($apple.children).to.have.length(1); expect($apple.children[0].data).to.equal('Apple'); }; it('should be able to select .apple with only a context', function() { var $apple = $('.apple', fruits); testAppleSelect($apple); }); it('should be able to select .apple with only a root', function() { var $apple = $('.apple', null, fruits); testAppleSelect($apple); }); it('should be able to select an id', function() { var $fruits = $('#fruits', null, fruits); expect($fruits).to.have.length(1); expect($fruits[0]'fruits'); }); it('should be able to select a tag', function() { var $ul = $('ul', fruits); expect($ul).to.have.length(1); expect($ul[0].name).to.equal('ul'); }); it('should be able to filter down using the context', function() { var q = $.load(fruits), apple = q('.apple', 'ul'), lis = q('li', 'ul'); expect(apple).to.have.length(1); expect(lis).to.have.length(3); }); it('should be able to select multiple tags', function() { var $fruits = $('li', null, fruits); expect($fruits).to.have.length(3); var classes = ['apple', 'orange', 'pear']; $fruits.each(function(idx, $fruit) { expect($fruit.attribs['class']).to.equal(classes[idx]); }); }); it('should be able to do: $("#fruits .apple")', function() { var $apple = $('#fruits .apple', fruits); testAppleSelect($apple); }); it('should be able to do: $("")', function() { var $apple = $('', fruits); testAppleSelect($apple); }); it('should be able to select by attributes', function() { var $apple = $('li[class=apple]', fruits); testAppleSelect($apple); }); it('should be able to select multiple classes: $(".btn.primary")', function() { var $a = $('.btn.primary', multiclass); expect($a).to.have.length(1); expect($a[0].children[0].data).to.equal('Save'); }); it('should be able to select multiple elements: $(".apple, #fruits")', function() { var $elems = $('.apple, #fruits', fruits); expect($elems).to.have.length(2); var $apple = _($elems).filter(function(elem) { return elem.attribs['class'] === 'apple'; }); var $fruits = _($elems).filter(function(elem) { return === 'fruits'; }); testAppleSelect($($apple)); expect($fruits[0]'fruits'); }); it('should select first element $(:first)'); // var $elem = $(':first', fruits); // var $h2 = $('


'); // console.log($elem.before('hi')); // console.log($elem.before($h2)); it('should be able to select immediate children: $("#fruits > .pear")', function() { var $fruitsWithMorePear = $('.pear', fruits).append('
  • Another Pear!
  • '); expect($('#fruits .pear', $fruitsWithMorePear)).to.have.length(2); var $elem = $('#fruits > .pear', $fruitsWithMorePear); expect($elem).to.have.length(1); expect($elem.attr('class')).to.equal('pear'); }); it('should be able to select immediate children: $(".apple + .pear")', function() { var $elem = $('.apple + li', fruits); expect($elem).to.have.length(1); $elem = $('.apple + .pear', fruits); expect($elem).to.have.length(0); $elem = $('.apple + .orange', fruits); expect($elem).to.have.length(1); expect($elem.attr('class')).to.equal('orange'); }); it('should be able to select immediate children: $(".apple ~ .pear")', function() { var $elem = $('.apple ~ li', fruits); expect($elem).to.have.length(2); $elem = $('.apple ~ .pear', fruits); expect($elem.attr('class')).to.equal('pear'); }); it('should handle wildcards on attributes: $("li[class*=r]")', function() { var $elem = $('li[class*=r]', fruits); expect($elem).to.have.length(2); expect($elem.eq(0).attr('class')).to.equal('orange'); expect($elem.eq(1).attr('class')).to.equal('pear'); }); it('should handle beginning of attr selectors: $("li[class^=o]")', function() { var $elem = $('li[class^=o]', fruits); expect($elem).to.have.length(1); expect($elem.eq(0).attr('class')).to.equal('orange'); }); it('should handle beginning of attr selectors: $("li[class$=e]")', function() { var $elem = $('li[class$=e]', fruits); expect($elem).to.have.length(2); expect($elem.eq(0).attr('class')).to.equal('apple'); expect($elem.eq(1).attr('class')).to.equal('orange'); }); it('should gracefully degrade on complex, unmatched queries', function() { var $elem = $('Eastern States Cup #8-fin 
    Downhill '); expect($elem).to.have.length(0); // [] }); });