# Prusa Connect Prometheus Exporter Version v0.1.0 of this exporter supports the pre-4.4.0 changes to the Prusa Connect API (non-API-key version). Current master branch supports the new, 4.4.0-beta2 release of Prusa Connect as well as the older API. ## Usage `./prusa-connect-exporter -h` * `apikey` Prusa Connect API key (see Main Menu -> Settings -> Network on the printer). If no key is provided, exporter assumes the older API layout when querying the printer. * `hostname` Hostname the Prusa Connect API is available at (assumes http) (default "localhost") * `interval` How often, in seconds, to query the API (default 2) * `path` Local path to export metrics on (default "metrics") * `port` Local port to export metrics on (default "2112")