
181 lines
3.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-12-24 00:42:50 +00:00
package main
import (
func main() {
start := time.Now()
duration := time.Since(start)
duration2 := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("p1: %s, p2: %s\n", duration, duration2-duration)
func makeScanner(test bool) *bufio.Scanner {
var f *os.File
if test {
f, _ = os.Open("inputs/testinput")
} else {
f, _ = os.Open("inputs/input")
reader := bufio.NewReader(f)
return bufio.NewScanner(reader)
type coord struct {
x int
y int
// grid SHOULD be like this:
// x ->
// y
// |
// V
type image struct {
background rune // what all uninitialized cells are set to; defaults to '.'
grid map[coord]rune
topleft coord
size int
func GetNeighbors(c coord) []coord {
return []coord{
{x: c.x - 1, y: c.y - 1},
{x: c.x, y: c.y - 1},
{x: c.x + 1, y: c.y - 1},
{x: c.x - 1, y: c.y},
{x: c.x, y: c.y},
{x: c.x + 1, y: c.y},
{x: c.x - 1, y: c.y + 1},
{x: c.x, y: c.y + 1},
{x: c.x + 1, y: c.y + 1},
func (img *image) GetNewRune(coord coord, enhancementMap string) rune {
index := 0
coords := GetNeighbors(coord)
for i := 0; i < len(coords); i++ {
value := img.grid[coords[i]]
if value == 0 {
value = img.background
if value == '#' {
index += (1 << (8 - i))
return rune(enhancementMap[index])
func (img *image) CountBrightPixels() int {
count := 0
for _, v := range img.grid {
if v == '#' {
return count
func (img *image) Print() {
fmt.Println(strings.Repeat(string(img.background), img.size+2))
for y := img.topleft.y; y < img.size+img.topleft.y; y++ {
for x := img.topleft.x; x < img.size+img.topleft.x; x++ {
fmt.Printf("%s", string(img.grid[coord{x, y}]))
fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(img.background))
fmt.Println(strings.Repeat(string(img.background), img.size+2))
func Enhance(img *image, m string) *image {
next := &image{
topleft: coord{
x: img.topleft.x - 1,
y: img.topleft.y - 1,
size: img.size + 2,
grid: map[coord]rune{},
if img.background == '.' { // permute new "background" value
next.background = rune(m[0])
} else if img.background == '#' {
next.background = rune(m[511])
for y := img.topleft.y - 1; y < img.size+1; y++ {
for x := img.topleft.x - 1; x < img.size+1; x++ {
next.grid[coord{x, y}] = img.GetNewRune(coord{x, y}, m)
return next
func partOne() {
scanner := makeScanner(false)
enhancementString := scanner.Text()
scanner.Scan() // eat empty line
img := &image{
background: '.',
grid: map[coord]rune{},
topleft: coord{0, 0},
y := 0
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
img.size = len(line)
for x, c := range line {
img.grid[coord{x, y}] = c
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
img = Enhance(img, enhancementString)
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2021-12-24 00:42:50 +00:00
func partTwo() {
scanner := makeScanner(false)
2021-12-24 00:44:25 +00:00
enhancementString := scanner.Text()
scanner.Scan() // eat empty line
img := &image{
background: '.',
grid: map[coord]rune{},
topleft: coord{0, 0},
y := 0
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for scanner.Scan() {
2021-12-24 00:44:25 +00:00
line := scanner.Text()
img.size = len(line)
for x, c := range line {
img.grid[coord{x, y}] = c
for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
img = Enhance(img, enhancementString)
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2021-12-24 00:44:25 +00:00
2021-12-24 00:42:50 +00:00