more cleanup

This commit is contained in:
David 2021-10-09 17:33:27 -04:00
parent 866111f54c
commit 3d37fd6d9e
2 changed files with 87 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package main
import (
@ -11,12 +10,13 @@ type Tag struct {
Value string
// Tags is an key-order-preserving, last-insert-wins "set" of Tag
// Tags is an key-order-preserving, last-insert-wins "set" of Tag{}s
type Tags struct {
kv map[string]int // quick lookups for inserts
tags []Tag
// Insert adds the given tag to the set, overriding any existing tag with that Key
func (t *Tags) Insert(new Tag) {
if t.kv == nil {
t.kv = map[string]int{}
@ -30,38 +30,54 @@ func (t *Tags) Insert(new Tag) {
// GetSlice returns a simple slice of tags from the set
func (t *Tags) GetSlice() []Tag {
return t.tags
// A Message represents a parsed set of Tags/Source/Command/Parameters from a Raw string.
// Tags/Source/Command/Parameters are all set from the Raw after ParseMessage() is called.
// Calling ParseMessage multiple times (without changing Raw) should be a no-op.
// Canonicalize() returns Tags/Source/Command/Parameters transformed back into an RFC-compliant []byte.
// Reusing a message struct to parse multiple Raw messages is possible, but frowned upon.
// Tag values are automatically escaped during parsing.
type Message struct {
Tags []Tag
Source string
Command command
Parameters []string
Tags []Tag // An ordered slice of Key=Value pairs
Source string // An optional string denoting the source of the message
Command command // A command/numeric for the message
Parameters []string // Zero or more parameters for the Command.
Raw string
parseIndex int
func (m *Message) ParseMessage() error {
// ParseMessage will attempt to parse whatever it's given as an IRC Message,
// and populate Tags/Source/Command/Parameters with the results.
// Garbage in, garbage out, though. The parser tries its best, but doesn't aggressively
// validate messages.
// Tag values are automatically escaped during parsing, as needed.
func (m *Message) ParseMessage() {
m.parseIndex = 0
if m.consume('@') {
m.Tags, _ = m.parseTags()
m.Tags = m.parseTags()
if m.consume(':') {
m.Source, _ = m.parseSource()
m.Source = m.parseSource()
m.Command, _ = m.parseCommand()
m.Command = m.parseCommand()
m.Parameters, _ = m.parseParameters()
return nil
m.Parameters = m.parseParameters()
func (m *Message) parseTags() ([]Tag, error) {
func (m *Message) parseTags() []Tag {
tags := &Tags{}
for {
next := m.findNext("=", ";")
@ -71,30 +87,34 @@ func (m *Message) parseTags() ([]Tag, error) {
key := m.Raw[m.parseIndex : m.parseIndex+next]
m.parseIndex += next + 1
eot := m.findNext(";", " ")
if eot == -1 { // ran out of message, probably
tags.Insert(Tag{Key: key, Value: unescapeTag(m.Raw[m.parseIndex:])})
m.parseIndex = len(m.Raw)
tags.Insert(Tag{Key: key, Value: unescapeTag(m.Raw[m.parseIndex : m.parseIndex+eot])})
m.parseIndex += len(m.Raw[m.parseIndex:m.parseIndex+eot]) + 1
} else if m.Raw[m.parseIndex+next] == ';' {
key := m.Raw[m.parseIndex : m.parseIndex+next]
m.parseIndex += next + 1
tags.Insert(Tag{Key: key, Value: ""})
} else {
return tags.GetSlice(), nil
return tags.GetSlice()
func (m *Message) parseSource() (string, error) {
func (m *Message) parseSource() string {
start := m.parseIndex
endofparse := strings.Index(m.Raw[m.parseIndex:], " ")
if endofparse == -1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("end of string encountered while parsing tags")
m.parseIndex = len(m.Raw) // out of message! which is weird.
} else {
m.parseIndex += endofparse
m.parseIndex += endofparse
return m.Raw[start:m.parseIndex], nil
return m.Raw[start:m.parseIndex]
func (m *Message) parseCommand() (command, error) {
func (m *Message) parseCommand() command {
start := m.parseIndex
endofparse := strings.Index(m.Raw[m.parseIndex:], " ")
if endofparse == -1 {
@ -102,10 +122,10 @@ func (m *Message) parseCommand() (command, error) {
} else {
m.parseIndex += endofparse
return command(m.Raw[start:m.parseIndex]), nil
return command(m.Raw[start:m.parseIndex])
func (m *Message) parseParameters() ([]string, error) {
func (m *Message) parseParameters() []string {
params := []string{}
for m.parseIndex <= len(m.Raw) {
@ -114,17 +134,13 @@ func (m *Message) parseParameters() ([]string, error) {
endofparse := strings.Index(m.Raw[m.parseIndex:], " ")
if endofparse == -1 { // no further params after this one
p := strings.TrimSuffix(m.Raw[m.parseIndex:], " ")
if len(p) > 0 { // reject empty trailing params
params = append(params, p)
if endofparse == -1 { // no further params
params = append(params, m.Raw[m.parseIndex:m.parseIndex+endofparse])
m.parseIndex += endofparse
return params, nil
return params
func (m *Message) consumeSpaces() {
@ -148,9 +164,6 @@ func (m *Message) consume(r byte) bool {
func (m *Message) findNext(bs ...string) int {
if len(bs) == 0 {
return 0
r := -1
for _, b := range bs {
i := strings.Index(m.Raw[m.parseIndex:], b)
@ -167,9 +180,6 @@ func unescapeTag(s string) string {
i := 0
for i < len(s) {
if escaping {
if i+1 > len(s) {
switch s[i] {
case ':':

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@ -136,6 +136,12 @@ func TestParsing(t *testing.T) {
Tags: []Tag{{"tag1", `value`}},
Command: command("COMMAND"),
input: `@tag1=va\r\nlue COMMAND`,
output: &Message{
Tags: []Tag{{"tag1", "va\r\nlue"}},
Command: command("COMMAND"),
input: `@tag1=1;tag2=3;tag3=4;tag1=5 COMMAND`,
output: &Message{
@ -162,6 +168,24 @@ func TestParsing(t *testing.T) {
Command: MODE,
Parameters: []string{"#channel", "+oo", "SomeUser", "AnotherUser"},
input: `:uttergarbage`,
output: &Message{
Source: "uttergarbage",
input: `@only=tags`,
output: &Message{
Tags: []Tag{{"only", "tags"}},
input: `@only=`,
output: &Message{
Tags: []Tag{{"only", ""}},
for _, tc := range testcases {
m := &Message{Raw: tc.input}
@ -305,6 +329,13 @@ func TestCanonicalization(t *testing.T) {
output: `@tag1=value\\ntest COMMAND`,
input: &Message{
Tags: []Tag{{"tag1", "va\r\nlue"}},
Command: command("COMMAND"),
output: `@tag1=va\r\nlue COMMAND`,
for _, tc := range testcases {
output := string(tc.input.Canonicalize())
@ -314,3 +345,14 @@ func TestCanonicalization(t *testing.T) {
func TestRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
in := `@a=b;c=3\n2;k;rt=ql7 :dan!d@localhost PRIVMSG #chan :Hey what's up! `
m := &Message{Raw: in}
out := m.Canonicalize()
if string(out) != in {
t.Logf("expected '%s', received '%s'", in, string(out))