2013-05-27 13:45:59 -07:00

313 lines
11 KiB

var expect = require('expect.js'),
$ = require('../'),
fruits = require('./fixtures').fruits;
describe('$(...)', function() {
describe('.append', function() {
it('() : should do nothing', function() {
expect($('#fruits', fruits).append()[0].name).to.equal('ul');
it('(html) : should add element as last child', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
$('#fruits', $fruits).append('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
expect($('#fruits', $fruits).children(3).hasClass('plum'));
it('($(...)) : should add element as last child', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
var $plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
$('#fruits', $fruits).append($plum);
expect($('#fruits', $fruits).children(3).hasClass('plum'));
it('($(...), html) : should add multiple elements as last children', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
var $plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
var grape = '<li class="grape">Grape</li>';
$('#fruits', $fruits).append($plum, grape);
expect($('#fruits', $fruits).children(3).hasClass('plum'));
expect($('#fruits', $fruits).children(4).hasClass('grape'));
it('(fn) : should add returned element as last child');
it('should maintain correct object state (Issue: #10)', function() {
var $obj = $('<div></div>')
describe('.prepend', function() {
it('() : should do nothing', function() {
expect($('#fruits', fruits).prepend()[0].name).to.equal('ul');
it('(html) : should add element as first child', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
$('#fruits', $fruits).prepend('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
expect($('#fruits', $fruits).children(0).hasClass('plum'));
it('($(...)) : should add element as first child', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
var $plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
$('#fruits', $fruits).prepend($plum);
expect($('#fruits', $fruits).children(0).hasClass('plum'));
it('(html, $(...), html) : should add multiple elements as first children', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
var $plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
var grape = '<li class="grape">Grape</li>';
$('#fruits', $fruits).prepend($plum, grape);
expect($('#fruits', $fruits).children(0).hasClass('plum'));
expect($('#fruits', $fruits).children(1).hasClass('grape'));
it('(fn) : should add returned element as first child');
describe('.after', function() {
it('() : should do nothing', function() {
expect($('#fruits', fruits).after()[0].name).to.equal('ul');
it('(html) : should add element as next sibling', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
var grape = '<li class="grape">Grape</li>';
$('.apple', $fruits).after(grape);
expect($('.apple', $fruits).next().hasClass('grape'));
it('($(...)) : should add element as next sibling', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
var $plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
$('.apple', $fruits).after($plum);
expect($('.apple', $fruits).next().hasClass('plum'));
it('($(...), html) : should add multiple elements as next siblings', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
var $plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
var grape = '<li class="grape">Grape</li>';
$('.apple', $fruits).after($plum, grape);
expect($('.apple', $fruits).next().hasClass('plum'));
expect($('.plum', $fruits).next().hasClass('grape'));
it('(fn) : should add returned element as next sibling');
describe('.before', function() {
it('() : should do nothing', function() {
expect($('#fruits', fruits).before()[0].name).to.equal('ul');
it('(html) : should add element as previous sibling', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
var grape = '<li class="grape">Grape</li>';
$('.apple', $fruits).before(grape);
expect($('.apple', $fruits).prev().hasClass('grape'));
it('($(...)) : should add element as previous sibling', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
var $plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
$('.apple', $fruits).before($plum);
expect($('.apple', $fruits).prev().hasClass('plum'));
it('($(...), html) : should add multiple elements as previous siblings', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
var $plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
var grape = '<li class="grape">Grape</li>';
$('.apple', $fruits).before($plum, grape);
expect($('.apple', $fruits).prev().hasClass('grape'));
expect($('.grape', $fruits).prev().hasClass('plum'));
it('(fn) : should add returned element as previous sibling');
describe('.remove', function() {
it('() : should remove selected elements', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
$('.apple', $fruits).remove();
it('(selector) : should remove matching selected elements', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
$('li', $fruits).remove('.apple');
describe('.replaceWith', function() {
it('(elem) : should replace one <li> tag with another', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
var $plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
$('.pear', $fruits).replaceWith($plum);
expect($('.orange', $fruits).next().hasClass('plum'));
expect($('.orange', $fruits).next().html()).to.equal('Plum');
it('(elem) : should replace the selected element with given element', function() {
var $src = $('<ul></ul>');
var $elem = $('<h2>hi <span>there</span></h2>');
var $replaced = $src.replaceWith($elem);
expect($.html($replaced[0].parent)).to.equal('<h2>hi <span>there</span></h2>');
it('(elem) : should replace the single selected element with given element', function() {
var $src = $('<br/>');
var $elem = $('<h2>hi <span>there</span></h2>');
var $replaced = $src.replaceWith($elem);
expect($.html($replaced[0].parent)).to.equal('<h2>hi <span>there</span></h2>');
it('(str) : should accept strings', function() {
var $src = $('<br/>');
var $replaced = $src.replaceWith('<h2>hi <span>there</span></h2>');
expect($.html($replaced[0].parent)).to.equal('<h2>hi <span>there</span></h2>');
describe('.empty', function() {
it('() : should remove all children from selected elements', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
$('#fruits', $fruits).empty();
expect($('#fruits', $fruits).children()).to.have.length(0);
describe('.html', function() {
it('() : should get the innerHTML for an element', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
expect($('#fruits', $fruits).html()).to.equal([
'<li class="apple">Apple</li>',
'<li class="orange">Orange</li>',
'<li class="pear">Pear</li>'
it('() : should get innerHTML even if its just text', function() {
var item = '<li class="pear">Pear</li>';
expect($('.pear', item).html()).to.equal('Pear');
it('() : should return empty string if nothing inside', function() {
var item = '<li></li>';
expect($('li', item).html()).to.equal('');
it('(html) : should set the html for its children', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
$('#fruits', $fruits).html('<li class="durian">Durian</li>');
var html = $('#fruits', $fruits).html();
expect(html).to.equal('<li class="durian">Durian</li>');
it('(elem) : should set the html for its children with element', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
$('#fruits', $fruits).html($('<li class="durian">Durian</li>'));
var html = $('#fruits', $fruits).html();
expect(html).to.equal('<li class="durian">Durian</li>');
describe('.toString', function() {
it('() : should get the outerHTML for an element', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
it('() : should return an html string for a set of elements', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
expect($fruits.find('li').toString()).to.equal('<li class="apple">Apple</li><li class="orange">Orange</li><li class="pear">Pear</li>');
it('() : should be called implicitly', function() {
var string = [$("<foo>"), $("<bar>"), $("<baz>")].join("");
describe('.text', function() {
it('() : gets the text for a single element', function() {
expect($('.apple', fruits).text()).to.equal('Apple');
it('() : combines all text from children text nodes', function() {
expect($('#fruits', fruits).text()).to.equal('AppleOrangePear');
it('(text) : sets the text for the child node', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
$('.apple', $fruits).text('Granny Smith Apple');
expect($('.apple', $fruits)[0].children[0].data).to.equal('Granny Smith Apple');
it('should allow functions as arguments', function() {
var $fruits = $(fruits);
$('.apple', $fruits).text(function(idx, content) {
return 'whatever mate';
expect($('.apple', $fruits)[0].children[0].data).to.equal('whatever mate');
it('should decode special chars', function() {
var text = $('<p>M&amp;M</p>').text();
it('should work with special chars added as strings', function() {
var text = $('<p>M&M</p>').text();
it('(str) should encode then decode unsafe characters', function() {
var $apple = $('.apple', fruits);
$apple.text('blah <script>alert("XSS!")</script> blah');
expect($apple[0].children[0].data).to.equal('blah &lt;script&gt;alert(&quot;XSS!&quot;)&lt;/script&gt; blah');
expect($apple.text()).to.equal('blah <script>alert("XSS!")</script> blah');
$apple.text('blah <script>alert("XSS!")</script> blah');