2014-09-01 22:10:41 -04:00

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post nyc bookstores soft-launch

This is a post announcing the (soft) launch of the site. I've got a good list at this point, around 60 or so stores, with most (but by no means all) of Manhattan covered. The next step is to bring Brooklyn to heel, but first, a few notes on my process:

My goal is to visit every single store in person as I add them to the site, and continue to do so as the list changes over time. Any store with a short description is one I've had a chance to visit. Right now, as mentioned, there's a distinct Manhattan bias; it was just easier for me to start there and then work toward Brooklyn.

Also, I should probably introduce myself. My name's David. I worked as a bookseller for over five years before moving on to work at a startup (not book related). You can find me on twitter as @alazyreader. My impetus for starting this site was that I was looking for something like it one day, and was surprised that it didn't exist, so I decided to create it.