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Here are some recipe-style examples for getting started.

use an npm module in the browser

First install a module:

npm install traverse

Then write an entry.js:

var traverse = require('traverse');
var obj = traverse({ a : 3, b : [ 4, 5 ] }).map(function (x) {
    if (typeof x === 'number') this.update(x * 100)

now bundle it!

$ browserify entry.js -o bundle.js

then put it in your html

<script src="bundle.js"></script>

and the entry.js will just run and require('traverse') will just work™.

convert a node module into a browser require-able standalone file

Install the traverse package into ./node_modules:

npm install traverse

Bundle everything up with browserify:

$ npm install -g browserify
$ browserify -r traverse -o bundle.js

Look at the files! There is a new one: bundle.js. Now go into HTML land:

<script src="bundle.js"></script>
   var traverse = require('traverse');